For universities

Partner with Kudos to improve research performance and strengthen research support

With Kudos you can:

Tell your institution's research Story
Collect plain language summaries to help more people find, understand, apply and cite research

Showcase research excellence
Quickly set up curated or automated collections – attractive "shop windows" to drive traffic to your repository or other university websites and materials

Reach a broader audience
Benefit from our promotional activities – search engine marketing, social and traditional media campaigns, email and web marketing – to be sure that "if you build it, they will come"



Grow article readership and citations

Branded Showcase of plain language summaries of articles from your institution 
(x 1)

Integrated via links to your repository, university website, and other university assets

Seamless workflow for your researchers to add summaries

Metrics to help you track sharing, readership, citations and Altmetric growth



Grow reputation in key research areas

Everything in the Core package, plus:

Topical Showcases for specific research areas or departments
(x 10)

Ability to create and Showcase summaries for "research in progress"  and other research types as well as articles

Account management support and quarterly bespoke reports


Full service

Grow global reach and impact

Everything in the Advanced package, plus:

Showcase set-up with professionally produced summaries and / or infographics

Inclusion in Kudos Sustainable Development Goals global Showcase

Quarterly targeted promotional campaigns to Kudos network

These packages are for departments, faculties, schools and institutions.
Explore our packages for individuals, projects and research groups.
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Showcasing research excellence

Kudos gives you a beautiful, magazine-style interface through which you can showcase your research publications and projects to a global audience.

Metrics 2023

Growing citations and broader impacts

Kudos connects you with your research community to collaboratively explain the significance of research in a way that can be understood by a broad audience, within and outside of academia.

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Tracking impact as it develops

Kudos makes it easy to capture and log impact as it happens, bringing key data and evidence all together into one place for ongoing tracking and reporting.
Research areas SDG

Building reputation in priority research areas

Kudos helps you profile your research in key areas, build your reputation, and improve your global ranking.


Enriching and informing teaching

Kudos provides an accessible learning environment for teachers and students to explore easy-to-understand summaries of complex research being undertaken within the university.

audiences 2023

Reaching focused, relevant audiences

Kudos helps you reach specific target audiences – not only other academics in the world’s top institutions, but also industry, policy makers, media, educators and the public.

Kudos is used by over 450,000 researchers in 10,000 universities all over the world

























“I love Kudos because…”


Professor Marcus Foth
Queensland University of Technology

"Kudos provides an interface between the scholarly world of academia and the applied world of government, industry and society. It works seamlessly, and integrates well with other platforms such as social media."


Professor Iseult Lynch
University of Birmingham

"Media attention and take-up of research into policy and industry are increasingly important metrics against which research impact is judged. If others can’t understand your research it doesn’t get to have the impact you want it to."


Dr Luis Maria Vaschetto
South Dakota State University

"Kudos has provided me a great opportunity to show my work to a wide audience. The content is easy to digest and provides useful resources that link authors with their readers. I would definitely recommend it."